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The website is administered by Jazyková škola Užhorodská 8, Kosice and is processed in compliance with valid legislation, web content accessibility guidelines under schedule no. 1 of the Decree on standards for information systems in public administration of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak republic no. 312/2010 Coll. (issued in the Financial bulletin) excluding section 11 par f) subpar two to five, section 13 par d) and e), section 15 par g) to i), section 17, section 18 par c) and e), section 21 par a) subpar three and four, section 44 and 45, pars 8.2, 8.3, 12.5, 13.1, 13.3 par a), 13.11 and 13.15 schedule no. 1, schedules no. 3 and 4 and section 18 par d), section 25, section 26.
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Jazyková škola Užhorodská 8 Košice
Užhorodská 8
040 11 Košice
Organization ID: 35540451
Information on website content:

Technical operator:
Garbiarska 3
064 01 Stará Ľubovňa
Provision of basic education under the Charter of Foundation of 1st January 2002 in wording of the amendments; on 1st July 2002 the school was transferred under the founding competence of the Town of Kosice, Trieda SNP 48/A, 04011 Kosice.
The language school manages the property which is in the ownership of the Town of Kosice as entrusted into its administration based on the Contract to hold movable property of the town in trust no. 2010000673 of 25th June 2010 and the Contract to hold immovable property of the town in trust no. 20100006747 of 25th June 2010. The language school is financed from the budget of the Town of Kosice and it administers the allocated finances independently.
In legal relations the language school represents itself in its own name. As an administrator, the language school performs legal acts concerning administration of property in the name of the municipality.
Consultation hours of the Headmaster’s office for the public
From 9.00 a.m. – 7.30 p.m.